Правила въезда в Бруней
Всего доступно 153 безвизовых стран для граждан Брунея.
👋 Список безвизовых стран для граждан Брунея (153 всего стран)
- Албания
- Андорра
- Антигуа и Барбуда
- Армения
- Австралия
- Австрия
- Азербайджан
- Багамы
- Бахрейн
- Барбадос
- Бельгия
- Белиз
- Бенин
- Бутан
- Боливия
- Босния и Герцеговина
- Ботсвана
- Болгария
- Бурунди
- Кабо-Верде
- Камбоджа
- Камерун
- Канада
- Китай
- Колумбия
- Коморы
- Коста Рика
- Хорватия
- Кипр
- Чехия
- Конго, Демократическая Республика
- Дания
- Джибути
- Доминика
- Доминиканская Республика
- Эквадор
- Египет
- Сальвадор
- Экваториальная Гвинея
- Эстония
- Эфиопия
- Фиджи
- Финляндия
- Франция
- Габон
- Гамбия
- Грузия
- Германия
- Греция
- Гренада
- Гватемала
- Гвинея
- Гвинея-Бисау
- Гаити
- Гондурас
- Венгрия
- Исландия
- Индия
- Индонезия
- Иран
- Ирландия
- Италия
- Ямайка
- Япония
- Иордания
- Казахстан
- Кения
- Кирибати
- Кувейт
- Киргизия
- Лаос
- Латвия
- Лесото
- Лихтенштейн
- Литва
- Люксембург
- Мадагаскар
- Малави
- Малайзия
- Мальдивы
- Мальта
- Маршалловы острова
- Мавритания
- Маврикий
- Микронезия
- Монако
- Монголия
- Черногория
- Мозамбик
- Мьянма
- Непал
- Нидерланды
- Новая Зеландия
- Никарагуа
- Нигерия
- Норвегия
- Оман
- Пакистан
- Палау
- Панама
- Папуа Новая Гвинея
- Перу
- Филиппины
- Польша
- Португалия
- Катар
- Южная Корея
- Молдавия
- Румыния
- Россия
- Руанда
- Сент-Китс и Невис
- Сент-Люсия
- Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
- Самоа
- Сан-Марино
- Саудовская Аравия
- Сенегал
- Сейшелы
- Сьерра-Леоне
- Сингапур
- Словакия
- Словения
- Соломоновы острова
- Сомали
- Южный Судан
- Испания
- Шри-Ланка
- Суринам
- Швеция
- Швейцария
- Таджикистан
- Таиланд
- Македония
- Тимор-Лешти
- Того
- Тонга
- Тринидад и Тобаго
- Тунис
- Турция
- Тувалу
- Уганда
- Украина
- Великобритания
- Танзания
- Узбекистан
- Вануату
- Вьетнам
- Йемен
- Замбия
- Зимбабве
Для безвизововго въезда в страну необходимо выполнить следующие требования:
- Наличие действительного паспорта: Ваш паспорт должен быть действительным в течение всего периода пребывания.
- Страховка путешественника: В некоторых случаях может потребоваться наличие медицинской страховки, которая покрывает расходы на медицинское обслуживание во время пребывания.
- Финансовая обеспеченность: Могут потребоваться доказательства того, что у вас достаточно финансов для проживания в стране без вреда для ее социальной системы.
- Цель визита: Вам может потребоваться доказать цель вашего визита, например, туризм, деловая поездка или посещение друзей и родственников.
💻 Страны с электронной визой для граждан Брунея (34 стран)
- Армения
- Азербайджан
- Бахрейн
- Бенин
- Бутан
- Камерун
- Конго, Демократическая Республика
- Джибути
- Экваториальная Гвинея
- Эфиопия
- Габон
- Гвинея
- Индия
- Иран
- Иордания
- Казахстан
- Кувейт
- Мадагаскар
- Малави
- Монголия
- Мозамбик
- Непал
- Нигерия
- Оман
- Пакистан
- Папуа Новая Гвинея
- Руанда
- Саудовская Аравия
- Сьерра-Леоне
- Южный Судан
- Того
- Уганда
- Замбия
- Зимбабве
🔥 Самые популярные страны у граждан Брунея (10 стран)
- Cost of flights: Many citizens of Brunei Darussalam prefer to travel to Australia due to the availability of affordable flights. There are several airlines that offer direct flights between the two countries, and with increasing competition, airfares have become more accessible to a wider range of travelers.
- Accommodations: Australia offers a diverse range of accommodation options to suit various budgets and preferences. From luxury hotels to budget hostels and vacation rentals, there are plenty of choices available for Bruneian travelers.
- Visa process: The visa process for Bruneian citizens traveling to Australia is relatively straightforward. Brunei Darussalam is part of the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) program, which allows for easy online visa applications and approvals for short-term visits.
- Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between the Brunei dollar (BND) and the Australian dollar (AUD) is generally favorable for Bruneian travelers. This means that Bruneian visitors can get more value for their money when converting their currency to Australian dollars.
- Roaming facilities: Telecommunication companies in Brunei Darussalam typically offer international roaming services, allowing travelers to stay connected while in Australia. This convenience is a significant factor for Bruneian citizens who rely on staying in touch with their loved ones and maintaining communication during their trip.
- Country's remoteness: Australia's vast size and unique geographical features make it an attractive destination for adventure-seeking Bruneians. From exploring the Outback to visiting iconic natural landmarks like the Great Barrier Reef, the country's remoteness and natural wonders provide a different travel experience.
- Diverse attractions: Australia offers a diverse range of attractions and activities suitable for all kinds of travelers. From vibrant cities like Sydney and Melbourne to stunning beaches, wildlife encounters, and cultural experiences, there is something for everyone in Australia.
- Educational opportunities: Australia is known for its world-class educational institutions. Many Bruneian students choose to travel to Australia to pursue higher education, take language courses, or participate in exchange programs, benefiting from the country's reputation for academic excellence.
- Cost of flights: The cost of flights from Brunei Darussalam to China is relatively affordable, making it an attractive destination for Bruneians. This allows more people to consider traveling to China as it is a cost-effective option.
- Accommodations: China offers a wide range of accommodation options, ranging from budget-friendly to luxury hotels. This variety in choices allows travelers to find accommodation that suits their budget and preferences.
- Visa process: Bruneian citizens enjoy a relatively hassle-free visa process for traveling to China. The process is straightforward, and obtaining a visa is usually a smooth and efficient procedure.
- Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between Brunei Darussalam and China is usually favorable for Bruneian travelers. This means that travelers can get more value for their money when converting Brunei dollars to Chinese yuan.
- Roaming services: Telecommunication companies in Brunei Darussalam often offer affordable roaming packages for travelers visiting China. This makes it convenient for Bruneians to stay connected with their loved ones or access the internet during their trip.
- Cultural attractions: China is rich in cultural attractions and historical landmarks such as the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta Army, and the Forbidden City. Bruneians are often drawn to these iconic sites and the chance to experience the country's rich cultural heritage.
- Shopping opportunities: China is renowned for its shopping opportunities, with various markets, malls, and street vendors offering a wide array of products at competitive prices. Bruneians can enjoy shopping for unique souvenirs, textiles, electronics, and more.
- Proximity and connectivity: Despite being located relatively far from Brunei Darussalam, China provides excellent connectivity with frequent flights and efficient transportation systems. This makes it convenient for Bruneians to reach different parts of China and explore the country.
- Cost of flights: One of the main reasons why citizens of Brunei Darussalam prefer to travel to Indonesia is the relatively lower cost of flights compared to other international destinations. The proximity between the two countries allows for cheaper airfares, making it more accessible for Bruneians to visit Indonesia.
- Accommodations: Indonesia offers a wide range of accommodations, ranging from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury resorts. This variety allows Bruneians to find options that suit their preferences and budgets.
- Visa process: Bruneian citizens can enter Indonesia visa-free for up to 30 days. This simplifies the travel process and reduces additional expenses and paperwork.
- Exchange currency rate: The currency exchange rate between the Brunei Dollar (BND) and the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) is generally favorable for Bruneians. This means that they can get more value for their money when exchanging currency, making Indonesia a cost-effective destination.
- Roaming: Brunei and Indonesia share similar telecommunication networks, allowing Bruneian citizens to easily use their mobile phones while traveling in Indonesia without incurring high roaming charges.
- Proximity: Indonesia's close proximity to Brunei makes it a convenient travel destination. The short travel distance allows for shorter flight durations, making it easier for Bruneians to plan shorter vacations or weekend getaways.
- Diverse attractions: Indonesia offers a diverse range of attractions and activities, from beautiful beaches and vibrant cities to ancient temples and lush rainforests. This variety appeals to different travel preferences, ensuring that Bruneian travelers can find activities and sights that interest them.
- Cultural similarities: Brunei and Indonesia share cultural similarities due to their geographical proximity and historical connections. Bruneians may feel a sense of familiarity and comfort in the Indonesian culture, making it an attractive destination for them.
- Cost of flights: Many citizens of Brunei Darussalam prefer to travel to Japan because of the affordable flight options available. There are often sales and promotions on flights, making it an attractive destination for travelers.
- Accommodations: Japan offers a wide range of accommodations to suit different budgets and preferences. Whether staying in a luxury hotel or a budget-friendly hostel, travelers can find suitable options that cater to their needs.
- Visa process: Bruneian citizens enjoy a relatively hassle-free visa process when traveling to Japan. The application process is straightforward and can be done online or at the Japanese embassy, making it convenient for travelers.
- Exchange currency rate: The favorable exchange rate for Bruneian citizens in Japan makes it an ideal destination. Their currency, the Brunei dollar, can go a long way when converted to Japanese yen, allowing for more affordable shopping, dining, and entertainment experiences.
- Roaming: Japan has a well-developed and efficient mobile network, making it easy for Bruneian citizens to stay connected while traveling. Roaming services are widely available, ensuring seamless communication and internet access throughout their trip.
- Cultural attractions: Japan is known for its rich and diverse culture, which appeals to travelers from Brunei Darussalam. From traditional temples and shrines to vibrant festivals and unique customs, there is always something new and exciting to explore.
- Modern amenities: With its advanced technology and infrastructure, Japan offers modern amenities that cater to the needs and preferences of Bruneian travelers. From efficient transportation systems to high-speed internet, they can expect a comfortable and convenient travel experience.
- Food and cuisine: Japanese cuisine is another significant reason why citizens of Brunei Darussalam prefer to travel to Japan. From sushi and ramen to tempura and matcha, there are endless culinary delights to be savored, catering to both adventurous and picky eaters.
- Cost of flights: Flights between Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia are generally more affordable compared to other international destinations. This makes it an attractive option for Bruneian citizens who are budget-conscious travelers.
- Accommodations: Malaysia offers a wide range of accommodations, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly options. Bruneian travelers can choose accommodations that suit their preferences and budgets.
- Visa process: Bruneian citizens can enter Malaysia without a visa for up to 90 days. This visa-free entry simplifies the travel process and saves time and effort on visa applications.
- Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between the Brunei dollar (BND) and the Malaysian ringgit (MYR) is usually favorable for Bruneian travelers. This means that their money can go further in Malaysia, allowing them to enjoy more activities and experiences.
- Roaming: Bruneian citizens can easily use their mobile phones in Malaysia without incurring high roaming charges. Both countries have mobile network agreements, ensuring convenient and affordable communication for travelers.
- Proximity: Brunei Darussalam is geographically close to Malaysia, making it a convenient and accessible travel destination. The short travel distance allows for shorter flight times and easier access to various parts of Malaysia.
- Shopping opportunities: Malaysia is known for its shopping attractions, including modern malls, bustling street markets, and duty-free zones. Bruneian travelers often visit Malaysia to take advantage of the wide range of shopping options available.
- Cultural diversity: Malaysia is a culturally diverse country with a rich heritage. Bruneian travelers often appreciate the opportunity to experience different cultures, traditions, and cuisines within Malaysia, enhancing their travel experience.
- Affordable Flights: Brunei citizens prefer to travel to the Philippines because there are often affordable flights available, making it a budget-friendly travel option.
- Budget Accommodations: The Philippines offers a wide range of budget accommodations, including guesthouses and hostels, which are popular among Brunei travelers looking for affordable options.
- Simple Visa Process: The visa process for Brunei citizens traveling to the Philippines is relatively straightforward, making it convenient for them to plan their trips without much hassle.
- Favorable Exchange Currency Rate: The exchange rate between the Bruneian dollar and the Philippine peso is often favorable, allowing Brunei citizens to get more value for their money during their stay in the Philippines.
- Roaming Services: Brunei citizens traveling to the Philippines can usually avail roaming services from their mobile service providers, ensuring they can stay connected with friends and family back home.
- Diversity of Islands: The Philippines is an archipelago consisting of over 7,000 islands, offering Brunei citizens the opportunity to explore diverse landscapes, from stunning beaches to lush mountains and vibrant cities.
- Cultural Similarities: Brunei citizens may find cultural similarities between the Philippines and their own country, which can make it easier for them to adapt and enjoy their travel experience.
- Proximity: The Philippines is relatively close to Brunei Darussalam, allowing for shorter travel times and more convenient access compared to other countries with similar attractions.
- Beautiful landscapes: Brunei Darussalam citizens are attracted to the stunning natural beauty of Republic of Korea, from its mountains, lush forests, and scenic coastlines to its picturesque countryside.
- Cultural experiences: Visitors from Brunei Darussalam are eager to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Republic of Korea, including traditional music, dance, art, and cuisine.
- Convenient flights: The availability of direct flights between Brunei Darussalam and Republic of Korea makes travel between the two countries easy and convenient for citizens.
- Affordable accommodations: Brunei Darussalam travelers appreciate the range of affordable accommodations options available in Republic of Korea, including budget hotels, guesthouses, and hostels.
- Simplified visa process: Republic of Korea offers a simplified and straightforward visa process for citizens of Brunei Darussalam, making it easier for them to obtain travel authorizations.
- Favorable exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between Brunei Dollar (BND) and South Korean Won (KRW) is generally favorable, allowing Brunei Darussalam travelers to enjoy a good value for their money in Republic of Korea.
- Mobile roaming facilities: Republic of Korea is known for its extensive and high-quality mobile network coverage, which allows Brunei Darussalam visitors to easily stay connected with their loved ones back home.
- Unique shopping experiences: Republic of Korea is a popular shopping destination for citizens of Brunei Darussalam, with its vibrant street markets, duty-free shops, and modern shopping malls offering a wide range of products including cosmetics, electronics, and fashion.
- Cost of flights: Singapore is relatively close to Brunei Darussalam, making flights between the two countries more affordable compared to other destinations.
- Accommodations: Singapore offers a wide range of accommodation options suitable for various budgets and preferences, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels.
- Visa process: Brunei citizens enjoy visa-free entry to Singapore for a maximum stay of 30 days, making it convenient and hassle-free to travel between the two countries.
- Exchange currency rate: The Singapore dollar is widely accepted and has a relatively stable exchange rate compared to other currencies, providing ease for Bruneians to manage their finances while traveling.
- Roaming: Singapore and Brunei Darussalam have similar telecommunication networks, enabling Bruneians to use their mobile phones without incurring additional roaming charges.
- Country's remoteness: Brunei Darussalam is a small and relatively remote country. Traveling to Singapore allows Bruneians to experience a change of scenery, explore a bustling city, and access a wider range of amenities and entertainment options.
- Cultural diversity: Singapore boasts a diverse cultural landscape with a mix of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Western influences. Bruneians can enjoy a variety of cuisines, festivals, and cultural experiences during their visit.
- Shopping opportunities: Singapore is known as a shopping paradise, offering a plethora of shopping malls, markets, and boutiques. Bruneians can find a wide range of products, from international brands to unique local handicrafts.
- Historical and Cultural Attractions: The United Kingdom is home to numerous historical and cultural landmarks such as Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Stonehenge, and museums like the British Museum, all of which attract Bruneian citizens looking to explore and learn about the country's rich heritage.
- Education Opportunities: The UK is renowned for its prestigious universities and educational institutions. Bruneian citizens often choose to travel to the UK for higher education or to attend short-term courses, taking advantage of the world-class education system.
- Visiting Friends and Relatives: Brunei Darussalam has close ties with the UK, and many Bruneian citizens have friends and relatives living in the country. Visiting them provides a great opportunity to reconnect and strengthen familial and friendship bonds.
- Shopping: The United Kingdom is a popular shopping destination, known for its high street fashion, luxury brands, and unique souvenirs. Bruneian citizens often choose to travel to the UK to indulge in retail therapy and explore the diverse shopping options.
- English Language Learning: As English is the primary language spoken in the UK, Bruneian citizens who wish to enhance their English language skills often choose to travel to the country. Immersing themselves in an English-speaking environment helps in improving their language proficiency.
- Exchange Currency Rate: The exchange rate between Brunei Dollar (BND) and British Pound (GBP) is favorable for Bruneian citizens, making the UK an affordable destination for travel, shopping, and accommodations.
- Visa Process: Bruneian citizens can easily apply for a visa to the UK through a straightforward and well-established process, which encourages them to choose the country as their preferred travel destination.
- Roaming and Infrastructure: The UK offers excellent communication infrastructure and a reliable mobile network. Bruneian citizens can easily stay connected with their loved ones back home without any hassles or connectivity issues.